Monday, December 29, 2014

Swayang Professor Shonku

The compilations contain three of Shonku's two very interesting adventures and one story of invention that takes an unpredictable turn. Compu, among other things, serves as a reminder to the tech dependent human civilization in the same way that Asimov did in numerous occasions that shows us how smart machines may evolve in the most undesirable fashions possible when the inventors' control is taken up by the intelligence that is infused. That this aspect of the computer dominated society could have been foreseen by Ray in so early a time when the processors were just inching its way in the country, once more tells us about the visionary in him. This story is sandwiched between two full fledged adventures Munroe Dwiper Rahasya and Ekshringa Abhijan where Shonku teams up with other explorers to quest for the strangest whose charm seemed to appeal to me more than when I enjoyed in my younger days. In one the voyage is to a pirate's cove for the trail of the cure-all and the other is for the search of the most beautiful monastery, the Unicorns and the art of flying. The former is primarily a tragedy where a dangerous truth is uncovered while the rationale of the other is nicely explained more by the artist in Ray than by the scientist in the protagonist. Three of Shonku's recurring associates feature here viz., Saunders, Kroll and the most unscientific Abinashbabu who balances the wit of the story. The book is also a contrast to the series in the sense that discovery has the lion's share than inventions.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Selam Professor Shonku

I had always been an ardent collector of Ray's works. But the collection, published posthumously, had quite some oddities in store. Not because it contained the incomplete Intelectron where Nakurbabu would have starred promisingly as well as Drexel Islander Ghatana but for some other facts. Infact the incomplete works will be cherished forever but for the fact that the final one conflicts with Prof. Shonku's own note in Swarnaparni about the actual date of his birth. The later and Don Cristobaldyr Bhabisyatbani had been the best of the collection where his friend Saunders played a very vital role in both. Also it's very much apparent that Ray condemned Hitler's obsession as was apparent from it as well as from Shonku o Frankestein where the discovery of the scientist of the famous classic has been given a new life. The stories also feature a philosophical Ray where afterlife, rebirth, power of mind over matter, nostalgia seems to hover very similarly as Sukumar Ray's final verses. But disappointment accompanies the starter Nefrudeter Samadhi and Dr. Danielir Aviskar, the later sharing the plot of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, both of which starts with Ray style but completes abruptly, so unlike Ray without the signature finishing twist. The illustrations are mix of Ray's orginals with that of Sameer Sarkar though marked difference of the styles being prominent but both complements the other well.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Mahasankate Shonku

I've often marvelled at the choice of the title that Ray chooses for his which aptly summarises the compilation in a book and serves as an illustration of the very popular but quite complicated essay that almost every student faces - explain how the title justifies what follows! Thus it was turn for the master professor to be faced under dire circumstances in three different scenarios that starts with a curious case of a damaging impersonation in Innsbruk titled Shonkur Shanir Dosha, continues with his three friends as they explore the mysterious alleways of alchemy in Shonkur Subarna Sujog - another apt double description of what follows and finally concludes with the dangerous and eerie Hipnogen in Norway where help comes from the most unexpected quarter.
As always the Ray charm was as green as ever but there were some interesting facts that I unearthed this time. The 1st of them is a confusing event that after getting invitation from a foreign land, Prof. Shonku could start on the journey in five days - is it that in the 70s the visa processed so quickly? This is more probable as I haven't come across a Ray composition compromising in details. The 2nd is that in the concluding episode there had been references of Odin and Thor and they had been correctly described as Greek Gods. But as I knew that Thor was the son of Odin, maybe this needs clarification as I cannot imagine that Shonku, and actually Ray who had always educated us with short explanations of even the mundane, never expressing this thought. The 3rd and the 4th which just came to me were Ray's appeal to Conan Doyle novel as the climax of Hipnogen bears a slight resemblance to that of "The Black Panther" and the protgonist professor is again a Bengali compliment to the fierce Challenger, the similarity being in their confidence in science and their love of adventure.

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

The Mystery of the Shrinking House

When I had bought the book, the queerness of the title attracted me though the strangeness vanished very quickly going thru the first few chapters but when I again read through this time, it seemed to appeal in a rather different way. The central plot revolves round the twenty paintings of a late artist whcih suddenly seems to become valuable after he had passed away. As his final possessions change hands, Uncle Titus playing a  major role in that, the three investigators are called to trace the same by a distant relative of the artist. Though most of them are traced but the painting seemed elusive. It seemed to catch hold of the attention of several queer persons, one of them possessing a live leopard too, the second appeal to me from its title page. Infact several twists in the final pages also takes the breath away which though becomes a bit repeated but is still exciting. But not only for the story but for its old world charm that it seemed to attract me once more. That nostalgic feeling of the young, when the mind seeks adventure, this again brought back the fun memories of childhood.