In the remote outskirts of Petra, sat the still deadbody of Mrs Boynton, the sadist head of the Boynton family. Was she killed or did she died a natural death? With the remaining members of the Boynton family having chances and motives for killing the cruel lady whose hypnotic spell had, so far, kept them mentally exhausted, it remains on Poirot to clear the doubts. Without the findings of autopsy, it depends on Poirot to analyze the psychology of the witnesses to sieve through their interviews to arrive at the truth.
A revelation, that I had here was, the hypothesis of Poirot that if criminals are allowed to speak, the truth is automatically leaked out by them, which I found quite enlightening.
A revelation, that I had here was, the hypothesis of Poirot that if criminals are allowed to speak, the truth is automatically leaked out by them, which I found quite enlightening.