A Indiana Jones film directed by Steven Spielberg. Set in 1957, the film begins with Colonel-Doctor Irina Spalko leading a convoy of Soviet soldiers and the kidnapped Indiana Jones, infiltrates a militry base called Hangar-51 in Nevada. Jones is forced to lead them to a crate containing the remains of an extraterrestial creature. After it is found, Jones tries to escape but his old partner, Goerge 'Mac' McHale betrays him and assists the Soviets to pin down Jones in the warehouse. But Jones manages to get away though in the process he stumbles upon a nuclear test town and manages close shave of his life from a nuclear blast.
Returning to Marshal College, he finds himself under the surveillance of the FBI and is forced to leave the college temporarily. While leaving, he is stopped by Mutt Williams who tells him that Indy's college mate Harold Oxley has disappeared following his discovery of a crystal skull in Peru.
In Peru, Indy and Mutt discovers clues left by Oxley to the grae of Francisco de Orellana, a Conquistador who disappeared in 1500 while seeking the mythical town of Akator (El Dorado). It was believed that whoever returns the skull to Akator will gain immense psychic power. Following the clue, Indy finds a Crystal Skull in Orellana's grave and soon after retrieveing it walks into the hands of the Soviets. They take them to their camp where they were already holding a severely insane Oxley and Mutt's mother, Marion Ravenwood, a great acquintance of Jones who reveals in a later scene that Mutt is actually Jones's son. Then the story turns into a race between Jones' team and the Soviets to the temple of Akator to return the skull amidst the jungle of Amazon scattered with deathly insects, brutal tribes and to top it off the aliens from another world.
From the start, the movie is action packed but the comedy in several sequences gives it the appropriate relief at the right places. It is totally an entertaining 124 minutes programme where the audience themselves seem to take part in the adventure through the wilderness of deserts and forests.
Harrison Ford is outsanding again, Cate Blanchett palys the cruel vamp to perfection but it is the banter of Shia LeBouf as Mutt Williams that sounds the merry tone throghout the movie.
Returning to Marshal College, he finds himself under the surveillance of the FBI and is forced to leave the college temporarily. While leaving, he is stopped by Mutt Williams who tells him that Indy's college mate Harold Oxley has disappeared following his discovery of a crystal skull in Peru.
In Peru, Indy and Mutt discovers clues left by Oxley to the grae of Francisco de Orellana, a Conquistador who disappeared in 1500 while seeking the mythical town of Akator (El Dorado). It was believed that whoever returns the skull to Akator will gain immense psychic power. Following the clue, Indy finds a Crystal Skull in Orellana's grave and soon after retrieveing it walks into the hands of the Soviets. They take them to their camp where they were already holding a severely insane Oxley and Mutt's mother, Marion Ravenwood, a great acquintance of Jones who reveals in a later scene that Mutt is actually Jones's son. Then the story turns into a race between Jones' team and the Soviets to the temple of Akator to return the skull amidst the jungle of Amazon scattered with deathly insects, brutal tribes and to top it off the aliens from another world.
From the start, the movie is action packed but the comedy in several sequences gives it the appropriate relief at the right places. It is totally an entertaining 124 minutes programme where the audience themselves seem to take part in the adventure through the wilderness of deserts and forests.
Harrison Ford is outsanding again, Cate Blanchett palys the cruel vamp to perfection but it is the banter of Shia LeBouf as Mutt Williams that sounds the merry tone throghout the movie.
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