This Nagesh Kuknoor's presenations of the Hindi thriller is based on Jai Puri, a forest ranger in Canada who is gifted with an unique supernatural power by which he can enter the photograph of a person and can describe the events through the later's eyes for 1 min after the snap had been shot. Though this he employs in helping others in trouble but a session of this supernatural manifestation leads him to a severe life-threatening crisis each time he performs. But it seems that he will need this againa and again while trying to unravel the mysterious death of his father following a photo shoot-out with a suspect list consisting of his uncle Sunder, a longtime family friend and lawyer Anil and his friend Adit. In this he is assisted by the eccentric police detective Habibullah Pasha aka Happi who also points out that apparently Jai's mother benefitted the most monetarily following the death. So a confused Jai tries to solve the mystery with the most vital source of information being the only 8 x 10 photo taken moments before his father's death. Jai confides his ability to Sheila, his steady girlfriend but she seems to think that Jai's supernatural power is only the product of his confused mind and this seems to affect their relations too. Soon Sunder is found hanged in his house and a murder attempt is made on Jai and Sheila. This makes him more determined to solve the mystery and unravel the enigma that threatens to culminate in a dangerous showdown.
The concept is good, music limited, but the intensity curiously seems to be lacking is vigour near the final phases. Best acting seems to come from Javed Jaffri while Akshay Kumar gives a it-could-hav-been-e'en-better performance. Girish Karnad makes a pleasant comeback after all these years and Sharmila Tagore is ever so graceful with her expressions. Ayesha Takia and Anant Mahadevan brings up the rear. Overall this is a nice wathc and the picturesque locations adds to the beauty of the sets. Also mention must be made of the stunts that is quite breathtaking at places.
The concept is good, music limited, but the intensity curiously seems to be lacking is vigour near the final phases. Best acting seems to come from Javed Jaffri while Akshay Kumar gives a it-could-hav-been-e'en-better performance. Girish Karnad makes a pleasant comeback after all these years and Sharmila Tagore is ever so graceful with her expressions. Ayesha Takia and Anant Mahadevan brings up the rear. Overall this is a nice wathc and the picturesque locations adds to the beauty of the sets. Also mention must be made of the stunts that is quite breathtaking at places.
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