A classic movie with a difference with a star cast of Uttam Kumar, Soumitra Chatterjee, Arati Mukherjee, Tarun Kumar, Bhanu Bandyopadhyay, Jahar, Sulata Chowdhury and many others. Studded with some memorable numbers by Hemanta Mukhopadhyay and Manna De, including duets of these legends, the movie will touch everyone’s heart.
The story starts with a freelance photographer, Sitapati, losing all his property to the conspiring uncles and living in the shelter of his beloved cousin and brother-in-law, earnest in his search for a permanent job. In this moment of his crisis, he was appointed as personal photographer by the whimsical Mahesh Dutta, one of the last few nobles existing in the final years of the British regime in India. Thankful to his generosity, when Sitapati began his career he was exposed to the peculiar character of his lord. He found that being an womaniser and alcoholic, Dutta loved himself to be surrounded by sycophants and didn’t care to look after his property which was slowly being exhausted by his lawyers and managers. His belief in his associates was supreme and moreover his prestige prevented him from taking advice from anybody below the ranks. The honest Sitapati did not like this and tried to make Dutta wise of the reality but to no avail. At this point of time Sitapati was introduced to Dutta’s wife Mrinmoyee and it stunned him to see that she was no other than his lost fiancĂ©e. Following this, Mrinmoyee secretly started to meet Sitapati from time to time and confided in him, her life of misery that was devoid of husband’s love. This caused much trouble in Sitapati’s mind as on the one hand his principle checked him from possible elope with Mrinmoyee that the later earnestly wished for and on the other hand his love for her prevented him from getting away from the Duttas. The drama turned to a series of misunderstandings climaxed in a classic scene with death coming as the saviour to the characters.
Salil Dutta’s direction and Nachiketa Ghosh’s music makes this movie unforgettable as do the acting of Uttam Kumar, Soumitra in the lead roles and Tarun Kumar, Arati, Bhanu and Jahar in the side roles. That a rude and negative character as that of Mahesh Dutta can invoke sympathy of the audience is once again proved by the brilliance of Uttam Kumar's acting and the meek but principled Sitapati has been portraied to perfection by Soumitra. Tarun Kumar and Bhanu are irreplacable in the side roles and Jahar also delivers anm unforgettable performance in his short role. As an afterthought, I must acknowledge that this picture would have never been possbily seen by me, were it not on the insistence of my wife for which I really am grateful to her and it truly baffles me that though her choice of movies are most of the time more than correct but I don't know why I can never have enough confidence during the time of purchase.
The story starts with a freelance photographer, Sitapati, losing all his property to the conspiring uncles and living in the shelter of his beloved cousin and brother-in-law, earnest in his search for a permanent job. In this moment of his crisis, he was appointed as personal photographer by the whimsical Mahesh Dutta, one of the last few nobles existing in the final years of the British regime in India. Thankful to his generosity, when Sitapati began his career he was exposed to the peculiar character of his lord. He found that being an womaniser and alcoholic, Dutta loved himself to be surrounded by sycophants and didn’t care to look after his property which was slowly being exhausted by his lawyers and managers. His belief in his associates was supreme and moreover his prestige prevented him from taking advice from anybody below the ranks. The honest Sitapati did not like this and tried to make Dutta wise of the reality but to no avail. At this point of time Sitapati was introduced to Dutta’s wife Mrinmoyee and it stunned him to see that she was no other than his lost fiancĂ©e. Following this, Mrinmoyee secretly started to meet Sitapati from time to time and confided in him, her life of misery that was devoid of husband’s love. This caused much trouble in Sitapati’s mind as on the one hand his principle checked him from possible elope with Mrinmoyee that the later earnestly wished for and on the other hand his love for her prevented him from getting away from the Duttas. The drama turned to a series of misunderstandings climaxed in a classic scene with death coming as the saviour to the characters.
Salil Dutta’s direction and Nachiketa Ghosh’s music makes this movie unforgettable as do the acting of Uttam Kumar, Soumitra in the lead roles and Tarun Kumar, Arati, Bhanu and Jahar in the side roles. That a rude and negative character as that of Mahesh Dutta can invoke sympathy of the audience is once again proved by the brilliance of Uttam Kumar's acting and the meek but principled Sitapati has been portraied to perfection by Soumitra. Tarun Kumar and Bhanu are irreplacable in the side roles and Jahar also delivers anm unforgettable performance in his short role. As an afterthought, I must acknowledge that this picture would have never been possbily seen by me, were it not on the insistence of my wife for which I really am grateful to her and it truly baffles me that though her choice of movies are most of the time more than correct but I don't know why I can never have enough confidence during the time of purchase.
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