Monday, October 14, 2013

Chitranatye Kisher Ingit

Being a fan of detective fictions, new detectives always hold fascination to me. So though his first impression was not so stirring (I forgot the story which I first read) Dipkaku and his niece karateka Jhinuk were quite interesting. Infact this storyline is equally gripping in the first stages. The baffling mystery surrounding the dead, the diverse characters that are later introduced, the loss of convincing rationale, the lengthy waiting time – the stage was set for an interesting climax but for the fact that the final exposure that proved a motive that was more unconvincing still. A motive so far-fetched and such convenient way to carry out the crime diverted the plot away from reality.

1 comment:

Viji said...

I enjoy your blog that focuses on detective stories. Lately, even the Jailer movie had a detective theme, and I really like all detective movies.