Thursday, November 21, 2013

Professor Shonkur Kandokarkhana

Professor Shonku has fascinated me more and more as I grew up. He had been a magical character when I read it first but slowly as I grew up I can understand the image that he represented. The honest Indian scientist revealing to the world the brilliance of his inventions and being held in highest esteem around the globe by peers is yet so humane in heart that he cherishes his home, his cat, his servant and even the company of his fussy neighbour Abinashbabu above everything else. So when Shonku sets up on his fictitious scientific exploits we revel in the wonders that he unfolds yet never do we feel distanced from him. Illustrated by the great Ray himself the collection contains
·        Professor Shonku o Robu
·        Professor Shonku o Kochabambar Guha
·        Professor Shonku o Raktamatsya Rahasya
·        Professor Shonku o Gorilla
·        Professor Shonku o Bagdader Baksho
The stories are a mixed compilation of suspense, horror, humour and thrill balanced delicately to retain the flavor years after it was first tasted. Stories of science fiction with the first story apparently reflecting Asimov’s concern for a machine dominated society so wonderfully contrasted with the fantastic experience in the final one that an unique freshness prevails that is so absent in works of many science fiction writers. The themes of the central three are again so alien to the flanking stories yet it seems so necessary for the completeness.

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