Saturday, December 02, 2017

The Mysterious Mr Quin

The elusive Mr Quin makes his presence felt whenever there is mystery involved. Be it murder or romance, the subtle hints by him seems enough to Mr Satterthwaite for unravelling the intricate puzzles of life. His sudden introduction in The Coming of Mr Quin seems just perfect as the story not only solves a long awaited cause of death but it also unveils threat to the love that stands on a delicate pier. In the next a double murder occurs and Mr Satterthwaite has only the clue of The Shadow on the Glass to solve the crime beyond everybody's doubt. A chance meeting At the 'Bells and Motley' seems to save the innocent but a peculiar clue lies hidden in The Sign in the Sky that leads relief to the well wisher of the falsely accused. It is more a romantic story of The Soul of the Croupier but mystery still remains for Harley Quin to guide Mr Satterthwaite to light. The sudden appearance of The Man from the Sea again seems God sent as Harley Quin directs Mr Satterthwaite to join two estranged heart as tragedy looms right throughout the narrative. A melancholy feels the air starting from the sinister The Voice in the Dark followed by The Face of Helen but whereas serious crime is solved in one it seems to be averted in the other. A painter draws The Dead Harlequin which attracts Satterthwaite and curious events follows while The Bird with the Broken Wing seems to reveal a mad criminal hidden behind the veil of respectability. Rolling precariously towards The World's End for picnic seems to be fated for something more and the Harlequin's Lane offers the solution to the eternal love for the heart that bleeds.
The unique creation of the author seems to bind romance and mystery in a way never found elsewhere which is intense yet enjoyable.

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