Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Parashar Barma Samagra 1st

Thanks to one of my web acquintances, I could locate this book in the A. Mukherjee & Co. stall in this year's bookfair. Actually though Premendra Mitra had not been my favourite detective writer but the charm of his writing had always appealed to me. Also in my younger days I'd read stories of Parashar Barma and though he had never seemed like a serious person in his field, but once again the style of writing was unique as far as crime fiction was concerned. The collection that I bought, contained
  1. Ghora Kinlen Parashar Barma
  2. Ghuri Oralen Parashar Barma
  3. Parashar Barma o Bombai Dhandha
  4. Du-Noukoe Parashar Barma
  5. Premer Prante Parashar
  6. Nijer Jobanite Parashar
Each of the stories, except the last, is written from the perspective of Parashar's friend-cum-assistance Krittibas and in almost each of them the utter irritation of Krittibash in Parashar's apparent casual approaches has automatically seeped inside the reader's mind till the final showdown where Parashar's apparently obscure methods are justified and the reader can't help but compliment Parashar in his solutions.
The starting novel originates and culminates in the racing grounds and those that are not conversant with the intricacies of the racing rules will however won't be baffled much as the required regulations are well explained in the story itself. The problem stems when a prize horse is suddenly withdrawn from the race by Parashar that sparks of anger in the audience and the reason, when revealed by Parashar in the end, seemed to establish a heinous crime.
The 2nd story is quite prolonged and the actual mystery is camouflaged till the very end and thus an ordinary reader like me can understand the real culprit well before the criminal is caught red-handed. Though it contains both fortune telling and smuggling, of which the mystery concerning the later is ultimately solved but the author remains silent about the former.
The 3rd mystery, though is an old and proven plot, but the fabrication of the same is done with the ingenuity that really makes one wonder who the criminal is till the very end. It is really satisfying and is one of the superb ones in the collection.
The 4th story is set in the backdrop of Puri beach and Krittibas boards a hotel booked by Parashar with the instruction of sending data of the inmates daily to Parashar. As he religiously does that, suddenly he received a postcard from the sleuth that suggests that a murder is going to be committed there and Krittibas is asked to keep a sharp lookout. Following this Parashar himself arrives and a series of persons go missing. Whether the crimes can be stopped and the criminal identified from the long list of inmates keeps the suspense high for the readers.
The 5th concerns Parashar's sudden interest in astrology and a foreign lady and Krittibash is led to a hotel near the airport where an international criminal on the lookout of looting tourists seems to lurk and it is upon Parashar to unearth the criminal and save the innocent.
The final in the book is again based on false identities and its twist in the final pages again makes it a gem in the collection. Also Parashar's literary ability is revealed as is the author's ingenuity in using a slightly different way of narration so as to properly identify Krittibas's style with that of the detective. Also Krittibas's actual character subjected to Parashar's scrutiny is revealed and is unique in the style of the criminal novels where sleuth is not accustomed to acknowledge the level of intelligence, if any, of the satellites.


Anonymous said...

Yes really a good review.
Do you know about the Ananda Publisher's Parashara Samagra?
I cannot find it recently.

Anonymous said...

Yes really a good review.
Do you know about the Ananda Publisher's Parashara Samagra?
I cannot find it recently.

anirban said...

I was also searching it, but 1 of my webfrebdz informed me that it is out of print!! May I know ur name plz??

BookLover said...

Recently as I went through some of the stories of Parashar Verma, I am really thrilled. Although those cannot be compared with Byomkesh, those can be considered as one of the greatest detective story sets of Bengali Literature.
I bought the book of Parashar Verma published by Ananda Publishers from my friend.


anirban said...

Wow, in future if ur friend likes to sell these types of books, plz ask me, I'm really interested in buying these!!

BookLover said...

But I am trying to impress Ananda Publishers again to publish that book. Even I want them to publish the Complete Works of Premendra Mitra.

But as see your review, I think the following stories might not be included into the Ananda's version:
3. Parashar Barma o Bombai Dhandha
4. Du-Noukoe Parashar Barma
5. Premer Prante Parashar
6. Nijer Jobanite Parashar
{I am not 100% sure}.

Recently I have bought a book from Ananda Publishers "Suka Saptati", Translated by Mr. Nrisingha Prasad Bhaduri, an old Sanskrit set of stories. A really nice one.

And I have found two links for the books of Ray Bradbury. I just post those if those help you :

Fahrenheit 451
By Ray Bradbury

The Martian chronicles
By Ray Bradbury


BookLover said...

Kalo Chhaya

Chupi Chupi Ase

As you like detective stories and movies, I give you these links. Please check if these links help you.


BookLover said...

No response from you for a long time.
What's about you?

Can you upload the scanned images of the first pages of the following stories:
3. Parashar Barma o Bombai Dhandha
4. Du-Noukoe Parashar Barma
5. Premer Prante Parashar
6. Nijer Jobanite Parashar




BookLover said...

No response from you for a long time.
What's about you?

Can you upload the scanned images of the first pages of the following stories:
3. Parashar Barma o Bombai Dhandha
4. Du-Noukoe Parashar Barma
5. Premer Prante Parashar
6. Nijer Jobanite Parashar




anirban said...

the comfort of relishing the classics r coming to an end for me as I'm getting more & more bz in my work place!! sorry for such a late response!! the snaps that I generally publish on the blog r taken by my cell ph cam & so poor in resolution! I'll surely try to paste d snaps of 1st pg of parashar samagra but that wudn't b scanned image that u wud like! even then I need some time b4 which I'm unable to carry on ur request!!

BookLover said...

Thanks for your response.
There is no hurry. You may take your time.

I just request you to put the images of the first few lines of the following stories :
3. Parashar Barma o Bombai Dhandha
4. Du-Noukoe Parashar Barma
5. Premer Prante Parashar
6. Nijer Jobanite Parashar

as I can compare those with some stories published by Ananda Publishers.



BookLover said...

The 2nd story is quite prolonged and the actual mystery is camouflaged till the very end and thus an ordinary reader like me can understand the real culprit well before the criminal is caught red-handed. Though it contains both fortune telling and smuggling, of which the mystery concerning the later is ultimately solved but the author remains silent about the former.

Can you explain what you mean by "but the author remains silent about the former."
Actually he gave some hints about the previous occurrences. What he should have explained properly was how Parashar Barma had sent information to the proper places using his kites as the roof was surrounded by a high wall.


anirban said...

What I meant was, author remained silent on the authenticity of the fortune telling!!

BookLover said...

I think that the writer gave some hints that DeojaniJi was a spy of the villain Jwallaprasad who had been well known to Parashar Barma and Krittibas Bhadra. Hence we can understand the authenticity of the fortune telling.


Just a reminder :
I just request you to put the images of the first few lines of the following stories :
3. Parashar Barma o Bombai Dhandha
4. Du-Noukoe Parashar Barma
5. Premer Prante Parashar
6. Nijer Jobanite Parashar
as I can compare those with some stories published by Ananda Publishers.

BookLover said...

Recently I found that "Day's Publishers" is selling a book "Premendra Mitar-er Samasta Galpo". Althoug it does not possess all of his stories, it can be considered as a great and rare collection. All the books are torn. If this becomes out of print, then it will be very difficult to have those stories.
I just inform you if you are interested.


BookLover said...

No response from you for a long time. What is the matter?

anirban said...

Extremely sorry for such a late response, actually I'm kind off very bz these days!! I was trying to make the arrangement of sending u the images of 1st few line of Parashar Samagra last weekend but failed miserably in time management!! I'm actually very much embarrassed for the reason. will correspond with u soon!!

BookLover said...

If you are busy, then I am very sorry for disturbing you.
Have you checked my last post about the book "Premendra Mitar-er Samasta Galpo" (In Three Volumes)? It is a rare collection (found from Day's Publishing) and that is why I just asked you about it. Nothing more.

And when you have time, you can post the first few lines of the last four stories of the "Parashar Barma Samagra".

I have another information for you.
Recently as my friend visited Day's Publishing, he bought the following books of Premendra Mitra :
"Premendra Mitar-er Samasta Galpo" (In Three Volumes)
MamaBabu Samagra
Kalpa Bigyan Samagra
Bhut Shikari Mejokarta Ebang...

Those are really excellent books.

He also purchased the Ghanada Samagra (In Three Volumes) from Ananda Publishers.

anirban said...

U r not at all disturbing me, rather I owe apology for such late responses!! yes, I've seen the mamababu & mejokarta books at Dey's, infact u'd recommended the mejokarta book!! will write to u shortly!

anirban said...

Dear BL,
the scraps u wished for is published!!

BookLover said...

Really excellent!

Thanks a lot.


BookLover said...

# Du-Noukoe Parashar Barma
# Premer Prante Parashar
# Nijer Jobanite Parashar

I shall check it. But I think that the above three stories were not included in Ananda's Edition.


BookLover said...

I make sure that Ananda's collection does not contain these three stories :
# Du-Noukoe Parashar Barma
# Premer Prante Parashar
# Nijer Jobanite Parashar


BookLover said...

No response from you for a long time.
Are you still busy with our job?


BookLover said...

No response from you for a long time.
Are you still busy with our job?

Puja is on! ......


anirban said...

no no, I'm not that bz rite now but can't promise abt the future!! can u plz make an email id & send it to me, actually corresponding in blog seems an unreliable way of communication!! u don't know whether I've received ur comment and opened it! in mails at least u can be rest assured that it will b delivered in inbox & won't b spammed!!

BookLover said...

Please provide your email-Id and after I check it, I shall let you know and then remove it from here as no other can misuse it.

Recently I have read
Mamababu Samagra
By Premendra Mitra
Bhut Shikaaree Mejokarta
By Premendra Mitra

Those are very good books.


BookLover said...

Same to you.
Remove your email address now. I have gotten it.


anirban said...

Subho Bijoyar suveccha!!