Monday, January 07, 2019

Acceptable Risk

Based on the Salem Witch trial and trying to give a rational of the events the story revolves around a mould unearthed in one of the mansions in Salem. The mould seems an apparent anti-depressants and when it promises a billion dollar future for a set of doctors and a businessman with a medical background sky seems the only limit. But things starts a bit awry with mutilated animals turning up in the neighbourhood and the researchers, playing guineapigs among themselves, find themselves dishevelled and sleep walking awakening on their rooms but with dirt and injury on their beings. A fine border that remains between medical ethics and incessant profiteering seems to become blurred by lust and Robin Cook once again proves that the world needs a balance and a rationale approach for its betterment where hurrying may lead to danger that might become uncontrolled becoming irreparable.

Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Thirty Years That Shook Physics: The Story Of Quantum Theory

Introducing the modern physics as it shaped in the hands of the giants of the subject the chapters wittily introduce the complex physical concepts in a playful manner. You will enjoy reading the major breathtaking basic mysteries that unfolded in the era between 1900 to 1930 that offered the insight into the atom and its nucleus from a perspective that was at once beautiful yet surprising. The thrill of unlocking the suspense of the universe will grip you firmly while going thru the chapters in order. Being one of the chief protagonists in shaping the modern physics, Gamow offers a vantage point view of the limitations of classical physics, quantum theory, uncertainty principle, anti particles, wave mechanics and presents it in the most layman's terms along with penning some classic illustrations, humorous anecdotes that offers reliefs, some informal snaps of the most celebrated physicists of all times along with conference plates also. The thrill of the book closes with Barabara Gamow's translation of a satirical version of a German dramatization of how the modern physics unfolded which is a gain a masterpiece in its own right.