Sunday, April 26, 2015

Nyayanistha Nyashnashir K(n)aata

What started as a very complex plot turned out to be a fantastic mystery novel. From its very title I was way too much confused with the meaning and the plot. It is true that I did not consult a thesaurus due to my characteristic idle nature and though the meaning was already clear by the back cover note of Sanyal but still the novel was way too complex as clues were few and the apparent motive was never convincing. So as the story progressed the mind was more and more confused. The usual style of digression in the form of incessant dialogues befitting a movie script only increased the monotonicity. But all was converged with a brilliant twist that made the novel a classic. It is really one of the P.K. Basu novel that I will cherish forever because of its novelty. The apparent lack of motive with a hint so subtle could not have been handled in a cleverer way in a mystery thriller. Another very interesting part is the front cover photograph which will seem a printing mistake but its explanation inside will also make the book a collector's item. I purchased it among a collection of old stocks, at a price that will make others jealous, which proved to be one of the most fortunate choices.

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